Dear BXTENers,
We have recently discovered that some malicious individuals are using BXTEN's name to create Telegram groups, claiming to be official Chinese groups for "arbitrage" activities. They are using this pretext to deceive users into transferring their personal ETH to a specific wallet, and then further transferring it to the scammers' malicious address. Subsequently, they promise to send users fake tokens (not officially issued by BXTEN) in proportion, resulting in the fraudulent acquisition of users' assets.
We will like to emphasize that BXTEN will never ask users for their account passwords, SMS verification codes, Google Authenticator codes, or any sensitive information in any form. Furthermore, we have never initiated any "arbitrage" activities. Please refer to our official announcements for information related to our activities. BXTEN reminds you to be vigilant in recognizing scams and to guard against other forms of scams.
If you need assistance or have any inquiries, please click the Online Customer Service button located at the bottom right of the homepage. You can enter your questions there or send an email to our official customer service at:
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